Monday, February 28, 2011

Quasifold Meditations

Energy flows where attention goes.  The supposition aspect of reality confronts an illusion that has been compounding for over 13,000,000,000 years; there has never been a single thing, where is defiling dust to cling.  This illusion is a veil that obscures our authentic nature, it represents a trap that was created or manifested at the beginning of our awareness.  The realization that ordinary mind is all there is; our way out.  Direct energy to this fact and we can tear down this veil of illusion, not a moment to late.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Holy Land Amazing UFO Sighting

A ball of light just hover there in full view of thousands, no air traffic zone.  It descends then stays put for a minute then bam straight up at incredible speed into a group of UFOs; what is really going on?  Check out the video on Coast to Coast Am or Youtube...amazing!